Thursday, 20 September 2012

It was my Birthday!

I'm sorry for my lack of blogging, my wedding planning is very distracting! To make up for it I'm going to share with you my birthday goodies!

Yes, I celebrated my 22nd year last week (13th, unlucky for some) and my family was generous as ever so I got to purchase some cool things.

I was this on tumblr and just had to get it! I've coveted a lot of Tangerine Designs products, and what better reason to get it than my birthday? I love Doctor Who, Saturdays are now must-watch tv days! Every other day I'm running around with my sonic screwdriver. Now my needles can be gauged in style!

I may have said before, but I *love* Deadpool, this year I had a theme for my presents from my wonderful fiancĂ©, can you guess? Yup, the Merc. with a Mouth himself. This yarn is just so Deadpool, the red & black of his costume coupled with the sparklies with I'm saying represent his swords!
I have to thank Lyndsey of Countess Ablaze for the 2nd skein, letting me keep it when it turned up was very kind of you, thank you so much!
My other Deadpool presents were a graphic novel, a custom card and a cake he decorated himself, he also got me a ball winder, squeeee!

I love Vincent Van Gough, he's one of my favourite artists, the colours in his work are so wonderful, I've been coveting these yarns since their release. Sunflowers is my favourite artwork and the yarn is so wonderful, my favourite colours in a ball. I also liked Starry Night, but I chose Cafe because of the yellow in it, my birthday present yarn means my socks.

I wanted this a while ago, it's Loki by Gnome Acres, but I couldn't afford it at that time, but Amanda had a huge update the day after my birthday and there was Loki, I had to snag it! I love the shades as much as I love the character.

I also had gift vouchers for books so I got a few more knitting ones! Which I should be reviewing in the near future!