We all know that The Big Book of Knitted Monsters by Rebecca Danger has been so popular in the knitting community, since it's release, and I have coveted this book ever since then.
I have said many times that I have an amazing Fiancé, and him buying me this book, after knowing how long I've wanted it, just proves my point.
Plus he'd bought me the Jubilee colour-way of King Cole Zigzag 4ply, which was released for our Queen's Diamond Jubilee, which I think is my favourite Royal memorabilia ever.
So I decided, that instead of buying one of those somewhat tacky commemorative mugs that seem to be everywhere, I would knit one of the monsters from my lovely new knitting book in my lovely Jubilee yarn to mark the occasion.
Thus, the concept for Jubilee was born.
I chose to knit the Geet the Garage Monster pattern, and given the thin yarn I used 2.75mm DPNs as I don't know how to do the magic loop method yet.
The only reason the project took a week was due to me waiting for the safety eyes to be delivered because of the Bank Holiday postal delay.
Such a fun little knit. I shall certainly be knitting up more monsters in the future, they're just too much fun.
it is sooo cute