Given the long time in me not posting my projects on here, I am still knitting, and I've finished a big, a few medium and a few small projects.
So, here they are:
Nevada Hat
It's called the Nevada hat because that's the 'shade' of yarn it's knitted in. I used Sirdar Indie and a hat pattern that came with the yarn. I also knitted a huge jumper for myself (for those really cold days that'll be approaching) that is miles too big and the sleeves are really long, nice and warm though. The colour combinations are beautiful too, just look at that blue.
Cables and lace hat
This pattern came from an issue of Simply Knitting and is super nice to wear. The yarn is Robin Aran, i don't know the shade my nan gave it to me.
Pink Lace Scarf
Military Lace Scarf
This is going to be another Christmas present, and another scarf created from the Stitch Library section of Simply Knitting magazine. It's knitted in a Robin yarn, but I've forgottent he exact colour, but it is DK. It's a lovely shade of green.
So, now you're updated and I can ponder what to post next.
Until next time!