Hello all!
First off, I'd like to mention that Episode 2 of my knitting podcast is now up! Hop on over there and listen whilst your needle click! [And follow....that'd be ever so nice!]
Alrighty, let's get down to it!
The pile of hexipuffs is ever growing, I knitted one in public yesterday! Ooooooh! It was my first time knitting in public and I drew a few puzzled looks from those sat in the dentist's waiting room [waiting in there for my Mother]. I love hexipuffs, you really can take them anywhere. No-one asked me what I was knitting, sadly, but I was being watched non the less.
Is anyone a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Yeah, me too! So a couple of my hexipuffs are a mention to Fluttershy, who is the best pony and y'all know it, on one 'puff I embroidered 2 butterflies and on the other I sewed on a matching butterfly that I'd knitted! I don't know if I'm going to reference any other pony, but you never know.
I don't even know how many hexipuffs I have at the moment, looks like I'll be counting again soon.
I'm still knitting the Dr Watson scarf, it's growing! I'll be writing up my pattern soon.
Hopefully this afternoon I shall be doing the hood on the Saturday Morning Hoodie. I can't wait to finish it off and bundle my man into it!
Speaking of Craig....that's him modelling my current 'daisies' of sewn together 'puffs.
Until next time!